Pine Needle Art

Pine Needle Art

photo of Pine Needle Butterfly

Pine Needle Butterfly

Handwoven pine needle art:

  • Butterflies: $10
  • Barrettes: $10
  • Vases: $25

In a remote part of Michoacan, Mexico, in the foothills of the mountains where millions of monarch butterflies overwinter, live very poor but resilient people. Most still cook over a fire, and have no running water or other amenities that most of us take for granted. Women have a particularly difficult time since most have no source of income and are completely dependant on their husbands who often must leave home to seek work.

But they are resourceful and creative. These local women collect fragrant pine needles from the forests and ingeniously weave them into individually crafted pieces. The enterprise offers the women the dignity of working toward economic self-sufficiency while providing their families an alternative to logging in local forests for basic sustenance.

The La Cruz Habitat Protection Project has encouraged the women in their endeavors by organizing classes in different villages, taught by an
indigenous woman who has herself been empowered by her traveling and teaching. The fragrant pine needle butterflies, hair barrettes, bells and baskets are the result of this exciting endeavor.

Your purchase will both help these women and the forest habitats that shelter the hundreds of millions of monarchs that have overwintered there for millenia.

For more information call: 845 657-8073

To purchase send a check or money order to:

Maraleen Manos-Jones
434 Bostock Road
Shokan, N.Y. 12481-5415

Postage: $2.50
Priority postage: $4.50

picture of a Pine Needle Barrette

Pine Needle Barrette

picture of a Pine Needle Vase

Pine Needle Vase

picture of a Pine Needle Vase

Pine Needle Vase

picture of a Pine Needle Hen

Pine Needle Hen

Basilia creating a Pine Needle Butterfly

Basilia creating a Pine Needle Butterfly

Pine Needle Butterflies

Pine Needle Butterflies